Hilal Morrar

Bay Area,





M.S. in Computer Science

University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX

Graduate: Coursework and research in system design and implementation.
Coursework: Database Systems, Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Prediction in Computer Architecture.

B.S. in Computer Science

University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA

Undergraduate: 3.43 GPA, 2x Dean's Honor.
Coursework: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structures, Machine Learning, Statistics


Software Engineer Intern

Cisco Systems - Duo Security

Improved an internal performance testing tool by adding a feature using Python, AWS, and MySQL to dynamically create simulated customers and generate realistic HTTP requests. Executed load testing suites on a simulated production environment to validate software release performance metrics using Argo Workflows, Datadog, Grafana, and Kibana dashboards. Identified and resolved several bugs in Kubernetes deployments, Docker containers, and documentation.

Computer Science Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Baskin School of Engineering Computer Science Department

Developed tutoring curriculum for Applied Discrete Math, Computer Systems and Assembly Language, and Introduction to Python courses. Students consistently rated my sessions at least 8/10 and noticed an average grade increase of 9%. Designed and graded weekly quizzes and Python assignments for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning courses.

Machine Learning Engineer

Baskin School of Engineering - Computer Science and Engineering Department

Led the design and training efforts of various neural network model architectures to make predictions based on time-series data with PyTorch. Evaluated and tuned machine learning models using techniques like hyperparameter optimization, regularization, and pruning to achieve 95% accuracy. Improved data processing pipeline to distribute model training in a Kubernetes GPU cloud cluster to reduce training time by 50%.

Frontend Software Engineer

Baskin School of Engineering - Computer Science and Engineering Department

Worked in an Agile team environment to build a device to monitor energy data in a residential network. Developed the frontend of a UCSC research lab website using React and JavaScript for UI/UX design. Connected frontend and backend to send, receive, and process user input for device registration via JSON.


Programming Languages

  Assembly, C, C++, Go, HTML/CSS, Java, JavaScript, Python

Frameworks & Libraries

  Agile, Gin, Keras, NumPy, PyTorch, React, TensorFlow, pandas, scikit-learn


  Docker, Git, Jupyter Notebooks, Kubernetes, Linux/Unix, MySQL, PostgreSQL