Welcome to the Unofficial UCSC Student Guide!

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A (semi-comprehensive, work in progress) guide for UCSC students.

The Unofficial UCSC Student Guide is made for UCSC students, by UCSC students. The purpose of this guide is provide quick and easily accessible resources and information for most student concerns by making a single site that has everything you need to know to succeed at UCSC.

Searchable site!

Use the search bar in the top right corner to search the documentation or click the Get Started button to view the guide.

Contributions welcome!

We do a Pull Request contributions workflow on GitHub. If you are new to contributing, do not fear, check out the contribution guidelines!

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For UCSC students, by UCSC students!

This guide is composed of articles written by several contributors. We are always looking to improve the information in this guide and hope that you will help out where you can!